Warmcel Arrived!

December 21, 2006 at 9:51 pm (DIY, House renovation) (, )

The Warmcel insulation arrived today! Unfortunately, I didn’t appreciate fully that by ordering 80 bags (2 pallets) of the stuff would mean they’re actually delivered ON the pallets! Of course, they wouldn’t fit through our front gate (and being a mid terrace we have no drive way) so the driver had to leave them on the pavement (sidewalk to yous guys Stateside) and we had to quickly re-stack them inside the house. I am sure we were breaking some law about “blocking a public byway” or somesuch. See pictures above.

Furthermore, we were numpties not to go into our loft sooner (the opening to the loft is inside the upstairs airing cupboard, and the ceilings are nearly 9ft high, so even with the ladder it’s tricky getting in)….

Anyway, I went up there today and it’s really, really dirty. 😦 We can’t lay the insulation up there until we clear it out. This will involve taking up the old knackered glass-fiber insulation (and taking a lot of the dirt with it), then getting an industrial vacuum up there.

I also saw a dessicated mouse and several old wasps nests (which we knew about from the building survey!).

Guess what we’ll be doing between Christmas and New Year’s? 🙂

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