Wiring the House

November 6, 2007 at 11:31 pm (DIY) (, )

Back in April, I started wiring the house for internet and tv. This weekend I was finally able to finish! It’s taken so long, because I’ve needed access to the subfloor, as I’ve been running the cable beneath the floorboards and between existing holes in the walls.

We now have ethernet sockets in pretty much all rooms, and satellite cable too. It all fans out from a central point in the dining room, where all the cables meet at a “patch panel”. There have been a few hiccups, but generally it’s all worked out nicely and it’s great to get rid of the “temporary” cables that have trailed down the stairs for that last year!

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Door Knocker Finished

November 6, 2007 at 10:48 pm (DIY, House renovation) (, , , )

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I’d like to say this is because we’ve been far to busy finishing the house, but that wouldn’t quite be the truth.

However, a few things have been done; We’ve finally finished the door knocker! It’s been stripped and, along with the door, repainted. The detail in the bat is incredible, so much had been hidden by layers of paint. Take a look yourself:


Stripped! Amazing detail – you can see the veins in the wings (top right picture)

Another close up…

Finally reinstalled, and given a (thin!) coat of black paint.

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